I use my computer on a network of which the security isn’t so great. Much of the traffic is behind a hub and more data is visible to other computers on the network than what probably should be. One way that I combat security issues such as these is by using a plugin called HTTPS Everywhere.
The plugin HTTPS Everywhere does exactly what you might have guessed: It causes your browser to try and use HTTPS everywhere that it can. The plugin has a large, updated database of sites that support HTTPS. Whenever you visit said sites, it forces your browser to redirect from the HTTP site to the HTTPS site ensuring that all exchanged data is encrypted.
This is great for when you are connected to a network similar to mine where other computers can easily see the data you are exchanging (apartments with shared computer networks, dorms, school computers, work computer, &etc.)
Check out HTTPS Everywhere online here: https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere