The Sims 3

Commenting disabled due to high spam trafficking on March 19, 2010

Wow! I cant wait.

This article contains: Links to other sites with information about The Sims 3. Some of these have interesting screen-shots that we don’t see on the official site.

I thought I might link to a few information pages about the Sims 3:
First, the official website. This is always the source of the most accurate information, even if they don’t give much away.

This article is probably the best one out there, because its Wikipedia. Lots of users speculation included!
Most of the following links came from this Wikipedia article.

This article (3 good sized pages long) has an extensive list of features we may see in the next generation of The Sims
This was my ultimately favorite article, and it goes over quite a bit.

This article has a roundabout of the new features, and some explanations from the game creators.

This is a short introduction article, and doesnt have too much information, its also from IGN, the same site as directly above:

Looking for screen-shots? As I mentioned at the top of this article, there aren’t many out yet. Some of the sites I linked to have screen-shots that are not on the original site. Believe me, looking at the screens wont tell you nearly as much as reading the articles will.

BTW: There are no “valid” videos of The Sims 3, besides the original “Teaser” video (which has been idiotically duplicated 100000 times on YouTube with rapid quality loss since all people do is copy others videos. If your one of the idiots who does that, please, stop, you hurt my inside)
Stop looking.

Techniques for finding information about games before they are released: Wikipedia, EXTENSIVE Googling, popular fansites (The Sims Resource requires that you register and PAY for downloads, but, you can read their news articles for free)

What else? You might notice that there is a V.I.P. Newsletter on the Sims 3 website.
You can sign up for the free V.I.P. Newsletter at:

Feel free to talk about The Sims 3 by either commenting, or taking part on our discussion boards here:
(No registration required, just post as a guest. We do have double verification, but its relatively easy.)

Thanks for reading.

Commenting disabled due to high spam trafficking on March 19, 2010

About Jesse Zylstra

Hey! My name is Jesse Zylstra, and I am the administrator of this website. I used to write about free software and programs, online web applications, and new technology -- especially open-source. Now I just write udder nonsense. I also play pipe organ, which I'm told is a fun and interesting fact about me. In the past, I studied network administration. Now I've been trying to pursue a real fake bachelors degree for the last, oh, 10 years or so.
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1 Response to The Sims 3

  1. Jeremiah says:

    Ya, it looks hella cool. I can finally make my Sim look buff! Lmao. And I’m hoping I can choose tat’s to put on, instead of needing the certain skins that have them.

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