Site News: New Server Coming to Town

I’ll soon be upgrading to a newer server (still physically controlled by myself), a big jump from the current server (but still far from the bleeding edge of technology). My summer break from writing is ending, and I’ll soon be back at writing new technology news in the future weeks to come, but I will also begin focusing more on the music side of the site.

The new server will be a major improvement in terms of  NIC speed and processor speed — not so much in memory (since the current server is not low on memory, there is no need for an upgrade here), and many more fans. The old server will be kept as a backup, probably syncronizing on a regular basis, shutting down, and waiting for a WoL ping and a person to tell it to take over.

IRCD users, the change of servers for you should be fairly transparent. Notice will be given before the switchover.

These changes should occur in the next two weeks. The site should be accessible read-only during that time. I’d like to thank the folks at Cloudflare for making offline access possible during past times of failure (whether power, ISP, or NIC response failure) including what will happen in the near future.

About Jesse Zylstra

Hey! My name is Jesse Zylstra, and I am the administrator of this website. I used to write about free software and programs, online web applications, and new technology -- especially open-source. Now I just write udder nonsense. I also play pipe organ, which I'm told is a fun and interesting fact about me. In the past, I studied network administration. Now I've been trying to pursue a real fake bachelors degree for the last, oh, 10 years or so.
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