Goog-411 , 411 Service from Google

Where can I find a free 411 directory service?

Goog-411 is a free 411 service offered by Google for finding local businesses’ address and phone number. Along with being able to tell you this information through the voice service, Googl-411 is capable of connecting you to the call (for free), or sending you a text message with details.

To use Googl-411, just dial 1800 GOOG411 from any US home or mobile phone. After connecting, you will hear: “Google. Say the business, then the city and state.” From the information you provide using your own wonderful vocal abilities, Google will organize the results into listings with numbers. Just say the number, and then (as it explains), say “Details” for more information, or “Connect” to connect your call.

Check out theGoog-411 website for more information.

Dial from any phone




About Jesse Zylstra

Hey! My name is Jesse Zylstra, and I am the administrator of this website. I used to write about free software and programs, online web applications, and new technology -- especially open-source. Now I just write udder nonsense. I also play pipe organ, which I'm told is a fun and interesting fact about me. In the past, I studied network administration. Now I've been trying to pursue a real fake bachelors degree for the last, oh, 10 years or so.
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