Windows 7

I tried out Windows 7, legally of course wtih a 30 day trial via Windows activation… not saying if I will disable that or not…

Anyways, I have to say, I am impressed. And now, I feel I must share what I felt about it:

  • Speed
    • For a new OS, running under a Virtual PC that was running a whole bunch of memory resource intensive applications, it was extremely fast.  I didn’t have any of the transparency enabled… VPC’s don’t support things like that very well.
    • Just seeing how it worked, I imagine most XP computers will be able to upgrade without a problem, and without any performance loss.
  • Size
    • My virtual drive is currently using 3.6GB, that includes the file system indexes and all that wonderful nonsense. This is very impressive,
  • Interface
    • Control Panel, and most configurations were the same style as Vista. The number one thing that stood out to me would have to be the personalization panel, which, was very easy to figure out
    • The background can be set up to be a slideshow. I thought this was kind of neat… by default, it changes every 30 minutes
    • Sidebar is integrated into explorer, the bar part is gone. Just stick things where you want them.
    • Start Menu was revamped, again. It was really easy to figure out though.
    • The start menu wasnt filled with nearly as much junk!
    • The Task Bar was organized quite different as well, easy to get though. I didnt notice window preview panes like Vista though, maybe its because I wasnt using a real graphics card
      • The task bar was bigger as well, both time and date were shown
  • Other things
    • UAC didn’t kill me. UAC only opens on valid prompts of concern, having to do with internal Windows settings.
    • Windows Media Player 12… thats a first
      • Pretty much the same layout though… I liked the “Now Playing” feature, where it makes the window smaller and much less intrusive, only doing what its supposed to do
    • Security control panel was very different, though, not difficult. I think they called it the Action Center
    • Problem Reports and Solutions were quite a bit different, and integrated maintenance, troubleshooting, and security
    • MSPAINT (Pbrush.exe) ACTUALLY DOES SOME THINGS NOW! Bit funny looking though…

Those were some of  the main things I noticed that stood out to me in specific.

Currently listing to:

Fleetwood Mac: Roumors (Vinyl Record. No, you cant have it)

About Jesse Zylstra

Hey! My name is Jesse Zylstra, and I am the administrator of this website. I used to write about free software and programs, online web applications, and new technology -- especially open-source. Now I just write udder nonsense. I also play pipe organ, which I'm told is a fun and interesting fact about me. In the past, I studied network administration. Now I've been trying to pursue a real fake bachelors degree for the last, oh, 10 years or so.
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1 Response to Windows 7

  1. Sykes says:

    Hey Zyl,

    Have you got the Windows 7 from Microsoft community Group. I would like to install it. May I know how to grt it.

    My comp does have only 750MB RAM and it is an ASUS A7n266-VM Motherboard (More than 5 year old,still my dear one)

    Will it Run Windows 7

    Waiting for your reply

    Sykes (The Great) :-)

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